Der Riese It was amazing how quickly the zombies game progressed during thr WaW era. With each new DLC, the story was becoming more engrossing and fans came to expect Easter Eggs with every DLC thereafter. The Kassimir Mechanism Easter Egg revealed the true identify of Samantha as a demonic being. One of the reasons Ascension is a fan favourite is because it advanced the zombies story considerably. Two new wonder weapons make an appearance - the Gersch Device and Matryoshka Dolls.

It was the first map to include the PHD Flopper and Stamin-Up perks. Ascension Based on an abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome, Ascension has been a fan favourite for a long time.
World at war custom zombie maps xbox 360 free#
Thanks to the forgiving Afterlife feature (multiple free revives), the map was one of the easiest in the entire zombies collection. 3 new traps mixed things up a little Fan Trap, Acid Showers and the Watch Tower. The map was also bolstered with other unique features including Hells Retriever, Electric Cherry and Brutus the boss zombie. Mob of the Dead introduced the Blundergat Wonder Weapon, an explosive acid shotgun with precision and devastation combined. It was a large map with players needing to build a plane to reach the Pack-a-Punch machine. Mob of the Dead Included in the Uprising DLC for Black Ops 2, Mob of the Dead was based on an exact replica of Alcatraz Island and featured 4 new characters. Shangri-La is an exotic environment with so many features that its impossible not to love it. Adding even more to the mix, Treyarch supplemented the map with new equipment the Spikemore (like claymores) and the 31-79 JGb2 Wonder Weapon (for shrinking zombies). There were also new utilities such as the Mine Cart, Geser and Water Slide. Zombie variations were added Napalm Zombies, Shrieker Zombies and Zombie Monkeys. Treyarch pulled out all the stops to add many new features and a special Easter Egg to this map. Shangri-La Included in the Annihilation DLC for Black Ops, Shangri-La (along with Moon) is considered by many as the pinnacle of the zombies experience. The Thundergun was one hell of a lot of fun and this idea was later adopted for the Air Staff in Origins. Kino der Toten did have its own unique Wonder Weapon called the Thundergun, which blasted zombies out of the way with highly compressed air. Many features from other WaW maps were included in Kino der Toten including hellhounds, teleporters, pack-a-punch machine and monkey bombs. It's possible to stack up hundreds of zombies simply by completing circuits round the map. A beautifully crafted, open map, Kino der Toten is considered by many as the ultimate train map because of its long circular pathways. Originally meant to be DLC 5 for World of War, the map was shifted into Black Ops along with Five. Kino der Toten Played to death by all Black Ops fans, Kino der Toten was the first zombie map included with Black Ops. It also featured its own Easter Egg, which became a regular feature in Black Ops and then later with Black Ops 2 maps. The map also included ziplines and the Flinger for moving faster round the map. Many fans were sceptical how this map would turn out but thanks to its murky Siberian setting and the inclusion of two excellent wonder weapons, the V-R11 (turned zombies to humans) and the Scavenger (an explosive weapon to take out groups of zombies), the map was very popular. Call of the Dead Included in the Black Ops Escalation DLC, Call of the Dead was the first map to feature real life celebrities as the playable characters. But you've got to give it another try to go back to that authentic zombies experience. If you've played BLOPS and BLOPS 2, Verrückt sadly looks dated. Comprising of 10 rooms connected by unlockable point barriers, the map was the first to include a power switch which activated the perks machines. Zombie really felt like its own game with Verrückt. Included in DLC 1, Treyarch made some great improvements to the zombies experience including adding traps, perk drinks and bouncing betties. Verrückt Verrückt was the first 'true' zombie map for Call of Duty. It was also the first zombie map (before Black Ops reintroduced Verruckt) to feature a Wonder Weapon called the Wunderwaffe DG-2 (an electricity gun with immense power).
World at war custom zombie maps xbox 360 manual#
It had no power switch, a zipline utility, hellhounds and a manual trap.

Shi No Numa was a real old school zombies map. Although Shi No Numa didn't include Nazi zombies it was the first map to really provide a backstory to the characters. Shi No Numa Originally included in DLC 2 for WaW, Shi No Numa or "Swamp of Death" in English, consisted of 5 out buildings with a swamp area surrounding them.